The sixth, seventh, and eight grades are part of an important transition time between elementary school and high school. Middle school students attend daily chapel services as well as daily Bible classes. Other areas of instruction include language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, computer, art and physical education. The middle school has a departmentalized program of instruction taught in seven, fifty minute class periods each day.
Bible- Middle school students are exposed to topics of study such as, "How we got the Bible." It is our desire to build a strong foundation in the middle school Bible classes.
Math- Saxon math is used in each classroom to provide a firm math foundation. Saxon builds upon prior learning and encourages students to practice daily math skills.
Social Studies- Pearson curriculum is used in the middle school social studies classes. Sixth graders spend the year studying American History. In seventh grade the students learn about how government works in Civics class. High graders cover the first part of World History, up to 1500A.D.
Science- The Alabama Glencoe series is used in the middle school science classes. Since we are a Christian school, we are able to teach science from a Christian perspective.
Language Arts- Glencoe Grammar and Composition Handbook and Glencoe Literature are used in language arts classrooms beginning in sixth grade. Middle school students have two periods of language arts each day covering spelling, vocabulary, literature, and grammar.
High School
Students at JCA are required to complete 24 credits in order to earn a high school diploma. Students have the opportunity to take a more advanced track to earn an honors diploma. Each semester of each class equals one-half credit. JCA seeks to foster, within our students, the importance of devotion to God. In addition to the academic requirements for graduation, each student in high school must attend a daily chapel service. To demonstrate individual responsibility to others, all 7th through 12th grade students are required to complete 5-15 'Service Hours'. This requirement may be met by working with the church, school, or community projects or programs, or by assisting individuals (other than family members) who have demonstrated needs. Each student must document the completion of these hours in order to be promoted at the end of the. year.
Bible- High school Bible classes are encouraged to use their strong Biblical foundation to start applying their faith. Bible class topics include "Existence of God", "The Case for Christ", "Worldviews", and "Leadership and Christian Finances".
Math- Saxon math is used in each classroom to provide a firm math foundation. Saxon builds upon prior learning and encourages students to practice all math skills daily. High school math classes include Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra Connections, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus.
Science- High school science classes include Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physics. Students are taught science from a Christian perspective. We believe strongly in educating our students about theories they will hear that do not assimilate with the Christian faith. It is our desire that, as JCA students enter college, they will be prepared to defend their Christian faith.
Social Studies- Pearson curriculum is used in high school social studies classes. High school studies include World History (1500A.D.-present), American History I, American History II, Government and Economics.
English- Glencoe Grammar and Composition Handbook and Glencoe Literature are used in the English classes. High school English classes involve spelling, vocabulary, grammar and literature.
Honors Courses Honors classes are available to High school students. Students must have a achieved a final average of 87.5% or greater, in the subject the prior year,, to be considered for honors placement. Honors courses earn an additional 0.5 point bonus to the students GPA. Students enrolled in honors courses must receive a passing grade to continue taking honors courses in that subject area.
Dual Enrollment JCA is in partnership with Faulkner University in offering Dual Enrollment classes to upper classmen with a minimum ACT score of 22 or a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Students who are dual enrolled must have the permission of the school administration and counselor. Dual enrollment classes meet on the JCA campus and are taught by a member of the Faulkner University faculty. When a student is dual enrolled in a college course, they receive high school and college credit for the course as long as they continue to meet dual enrollment standards. Dal enrollment students must pass their college classes with a C, or they are no longer allowed to dual enroll. Students at JCA who are interested in dual enrollment must meet with the guidance counselor to see if they re qualified for dual enrollment classes and if the classes will be of benefit to them. Dual enrollment requests are processed on an individual basis through the guidance office. While dual enrollment is a benefit too many students, it is not always the best fit for every student, so great care should be taken when looking at dual enrollment as an educational option.